Reggio Approach

chocolate with names of children

Reggio Approach - Parent Information

tyre tied to the tree

Creative and Stimulating

The nursery has embraced the principles of the Reggio Approach following a visit to Italy in 2005 by the manager and supervisors.

At Merry go Round Day Nursery we follow an Italian approach to learning called the ‘Reggio Emilia Approach’. It is used alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and shares many of the same principles. The aim is to allow children to become independent learners within a creative and stimulating environment. The Reggio Approach encourages children to explore, be curios and inquisitive. The staff help them to research their interests and learn from one another, making learning fun and leading to projects around their interests. 

There is an emphasis on relationships between home and nursery and information sharing is very important. The information below is aimed to give you a better understanding of how your child will learn whilst attending Merry-go-Round.

Services list

How you can help us to support your child?

  • Donate recycled and life like resources i.e. pots, pans, wooden items, tools, boxes, baskets etc
  • Read to your child every day
  • Be active on your child's Tapestry account and share the experience with your child
  • Show an interest in your child’s creations and ask about their day in nursery
For more information on the Reggio Approach, please click here
wooden seats
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