Information, Policies and Procedures

chocolate with names of children

Choosing the right nursery for your children

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At Merry go Round Day Nursery, we appreciate every family’s childcare needs are different. We aim to exceed your expectations. It can be quite daunting when choosing a nursery for your child and hard to find information on where to start.

We suggest starting by seeking out a range of settings within a reasonable distance from your home by:
Visiting setting websites
Searching for nurseries on search engines such as or Google
Asking family, friends and neighbours for recommendations
Using Herefordshire Council website
Once you have decided on the nurseries of interest, give them a call or drop them an email with your enquiry. Most settings will ask you a few questions about your child, such as their name, age and your nursery requirements. It is good to view a variety of settings to ensure you choose the right one for your child.

At Merry go Round Day Nursery we will book a visit for you and your child to look around the setting, see the kind of activities we provide and offer information regarding our unique learning approach. There will also be registration pack to complete and some additional information sheets for you to keep.

The supervisor will arrange some settling sessions for your child. These are to ensure your child is happy and settled before they start their full sessions. Settle sessions are individual to each child, and some take longer than others. The supervisor will advise when would be a good time to start full sessions.

Once full sessions commence, fees will be charged based on sessions booked – not attendance. Fees are payable in advance.

Policies and Procedures

Our Policies and Procedures are all reviewed annually.

We also update them as legislation changes.

These policies and procedures will tell you all you need to know about how, when, what, where, who and why at Merry go Round.

Staff are available if you need to discuss anything within these files

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